26 February 2013


okay, let's get this outta the way.

If it was up to me, i'd give the best director and best picture to ben affleck. don't get me wrong here, life is pi is a great piece of work and congratulation to Ang Lee and what not. My opinion is based on one thing and one thing only, and that is

yes, that's right, the motherfucking daredevil. 

for a guy who won an oscar for good will hunting and hit rock bottom playing a blind superhero who spent just a tad too much time at the local S&M shop (seriously he might as well go out fighting bad guys with candle wax and leather whips wearing tight vinyl spandex like that), it takes some serious integrity and hard work to bounce back. 

so congrat mr. affleck, but like any raging women out there...

i forgive, but i won't forget.

23 February 2013

high five to myself


可能是因為回來台灣快3年了還沒做出什麼事情來, 在加上自己那不知道哪裡來的自尊心作祟使我覺得自己應該是超級無敵厲害的, 還好事實證明了...


除了上次參加的建築獎獎杯設計拿了個銅獎回來, 這次參與的商品設計賽又抱回了第二, 讓我終於覺得自己欠的一屁股美國學貸是值得低。 不過我發現我的中文程度簡直是爛到掉渣, 雖然我可以很簡單的歸咎這個缺陷給20年的美國生活 + 七龍珠是我的中文課本, 可是我還是難以釋懷我把我作品的名字取的這麼白痴。 

'路是走出來的, 但東西帶齊全會比較好走‘

